Mercedes Currie, BA (Hons)
Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner, Office Manager
After studying Psychology and Adult Development at the University of Guelph, Mercedes' personal healing journey led to the awareness and use of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for her own chronic pain. Her deep dive into trauma and how it manifests in the body has become an ongoing study and a modality that is practiced in her daily life as a parent and practitioner. This gentle non-invasive technique that can be incorporated into daily moments creates new neural pathways and changes cellular memory, which can be used to process and release trauma stored in the body, physical pain and target root cause of anxiety.

Sandra (Catalina) Millan, RTT®, C.Hyp. HeartMath® Coach/Trainer
Certified Hypno and RTT Therapist, HeartMath Coach/Trainer, Somatic Bodywork Practitioner
A strong advocate and promoter of health and wellness, Cat has dedicated the last 20 years researching advancements in bio-mechanics, physical fitness, diet and emotional health. Cat's intention is to address the body as a whole. Understanding the mind/body relationship, cellular-memory, and the effects of stress on the human body; she addresses every appointment with the intention to incorporate all of her skills and knowledge, to assist clients in discovering, and maintaining a connected awareness to their true potential.
For more information on Cat, please see her personal website here.

Carla Wiseman Dr. TCM, R.Ac.
Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Registered Acupuncturist
Neurological Integration System (NIS) Practitioner
For the past 30 years Carla has been practicing Acupuncture. Her combination of NIS- a system based on the neurophysiology principle, alongside Traditional Chinese Medicine, has created and contributed to her alternative health practice which treats the whole family, including children. Carla's knowledge and ongoing education of Neurolink is widely used to treat conditions such as inflammation, allergies, fertility, chronic fatigue, illnesses and all issues related to the immune system.

Suzanne Chappel, BSc., PhD., CHt, RTT C.HYP
Clinical, Medical & RTT Hypnotherapist, Certified Rapid Relief Specialist, Certified HypnoCoach®
Suzanne has been a certified, practicing hypnotherapist since spring 2021. Prior to that, she was an award-winning medical research scientist and successful entrepreneur. As a natural continuing extension of her bioscience passion, education and extensive life experience, Suzanne is now applying her science knowledge and collective expertise in a whole new way to powerfully help others create & live their best lives. Suzanne discovered Hypnotherapy during her concussion recovery journey following a serious skiing accident and surgery. Hypnotherapy quickly restored her pre-injury mental focus, clarity and confidence. It also helped her resolve chronic pain and weight management challenges, break free from limiting lifetime habits, heal from trauma, actualize powerful life changes & much more. And you will too!

Marie Arcand, RMT
Registered Massage Therapist
At the heart of Marie's massage therapy practice is her comprehension and appreciation for the human body's ability to rejuvenate and heal. Creating a supportive space and tailoring each treatment session to encourage these processes are her goals. Marie's education, experience and commitment constitute the base of her work to which she adds her friendly demeanour and compassionate care. Her practice contains some special interests: treating women before, during and after pregnancy; treatment of TMJ, neck pain and headaches. Marie's most recent training: pre and post surgery breast and chest massage therapy.

Leah Von Zuben, RMT
Registered Massage Therapist
In session, Leah aims to help you tap into your nervous system’s rest and digest state, moving you away from stress responses in the body. She gives light guidance in breath awareness, and conscious relaxation. Her massage techniques will vary individually but Leah’s intention is to balance injury rehab with relaxation. The goal is always holistic wellbeing and flourishing.
Leah graduated from Sutherland Chan school of Massage Therapy - Toronto, in 2017. After practicing in Ontario for 2 years, she moved to Vancouver and obtained her license to practice from CMTBC in 2019. Leah has a background in Thai massage, as a birth doula and yoga instructor. Leah also leads group and private yoga sessions. Click here to book Leah on her private booking calendar.

Liisa Bertils, B.Sc., Certified NIS Practitioner,
Liisa is a fan of nature, photography, health and well-being. She was introduced to the Neurological Integration System (NIS) when bothersome physical symptoms connected her with a wonderful practitioner who facilitated her brain and body "talking" again. Shocked by how quickly this helped, Lisa was inspired to build off her science education and trained to become a practitioner herself. NIS uses gentle non invasive muscle testing to uncover problems that the brain can then acknowledge and correct to restore harmonious functioning. If you are not feeling your physical, mental or emotional best, NIS may be able to help.